Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Two Weeks Old Already

Austin is two weeks old today and already looking older to me. A couple of days ago I thought he looked bigger and older and less like a newborn. He's still little but he just looks a little different. He still sleeps a lot but is eating a little more and is awake and looking around a bit more too. He doesn't really cry much at all and doesn't mind when Rexford plays loudly around him :) I took him to the doctor for his two week appointment and he's much smaller than Rexford ever was, weighing in at 7 lbs. 12 oz. He was only 25th percentile for weight and height, something we're not used to! Brian was a little concerned but I'm sure he'll be just fine. Rexford was actually shorter than his hospital measurements too once his head returned to normal shape and look at him now! Anyway, he's doing well and we love to just look at him and watch his little face. Rexford is still in love with his little brother, wanting to give him lots of kisses and help us with him. I know he sometimes gets frustrated that I can't give him all my time but he's taking it well and is really sweet. He's grown up a bit too this past week, learning to get in and out of the bathtub by himself, pedal on his tricycle, and open doors. Here are the latest pictures of the boys :)

Austin sleeping on his comfy lounger

Daddy, Rexford, and Austin

Austin relaxing with Daddy

Austin smiling in his sleep (so cute even if he can't control it yet)

Aly helping Rexford practice riding his tricycle


Angela said...

Kim, He is PRECIOUS! So handsome! Love how you captured the smile :) and just look at Mr. Rexford on his tricycle.... They grow so quickly (Sigh). Glad you seem to be taking it all in and enjoying.

Polly said...

I think Austin looks like his Daddy. Was Rexford as dark as Austin looks? They are both adorable. Can Rexford pedal? Gabby just doesn't seem to get it yet.