Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pre-Halloween Fun

Since I'm having a baby in 10 days I knew that I wouldn't be able to go to Sea World and do many Halloween activities after this weekend. So Brian and I took Rexford today for trick-or-treating fun. I put his costume on last night to try it on but he wouldn't wear it today at Sea World. I'm not sure why but it was kind of warm. Maybe I scared him when I showed him himself in the mirror last night? Who knows, but hopefully he'll wear it on Halloween. He makes great monkey noises so it's really cute. We had a fun time and Rexford was very excited about the candy in his pumpkin. He wants to carry the pumpkin around all the time now.

Rexford as a monkey

Rexford and Brian as we got started

Rexford was popping the bubbles on Brian's head

Rexford bending down to get candy in his pumpkin

Family picture with some of the fun pumpkin decorations

Rexford and Mommy

We watched the Shamu show and Rexford kept waving to Shamu


Alyeic said...

I love Rexford's monkey costume! It's so funny!

Polly said...

Why is it that men won't smile in pictures? Smile Bryan! Rexford makes an adorable monkey.