Friday, May 22, 2009

Big Boy

We are so proud of Rexford! He is getting to be such a big boy and this week he finally is making the transition to big boy underwear! This is the third day and it has been going really well. He's only had a few small accidents. I still have to remind him a lot to go but sometimes he'll tell me he has to go. He was really into the prizes and now he's getting better about not getting something every time he goes. I am still scared to leave the house and not really sure how that will all work. I am so tired of being in the house though. I guess this yucky rainy week was good for potty training since it's too gross to go outside anyway. Rexford is doing great and Daddy is so excited to have only one child in diapers. Here a few pictures from last few days.

Here a few pictures of the boys together hanging out together these rainy gloomy potty training days.

1 comment:

Alyeic said...

Way to go Rexford! He's getting so big and so handsome:)