Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Shopping with Shannon

Yesterday Rexford was bored and kept asking me, "Where are we going today?" I didn't have anything planned so we called Aunt Shannon to see if she wanted to go to the store. She had to buy a few things so we picked her up and got out of the house for awhile. While we were at the store Rexford saw a package of colorful lizards and Shannon offered to buy them for him. He insisted on taking them with him when we went to another store and the mall. We found a cheap wooden box at the craft store and bought it so we could paint a fun little box for his lizards and then went to the mall for some yummy pretzels (Rexford's favorite mall treat). Rexford helped paint his box after his nap and has played with his lizards constantly since he got them. Here's a video showing Rexford with his lizards and box.

-If you are wondering why in the world he's wearing pants on a hot July day, it's to keep him from messing with a band-aid on his leg.

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