Sunday, July 13, 2008

Rexford is 2!

I can't believe it but Rexford turned 2 years old on Friday! He had an exciting day with lots of fun with family. He started the day by going to Grandma's house where he opened some fun presents. He was very excited about the digger that he'd been wanting for a long time. He got some fun books and coloring/painting books and some cute clothes too. Then Grandma came with us to KangaRoom where Rexford wore himself and her out! He had tons of fun running around and climbing and going down slides over and over again. After getting all sweaty and tired we went for some lunch at McDonalds and then went back to Grandma's for some ice cream cake and cupcakes. Rexford was so cute when he tried to blow out the candle and thought it was funny. He loved the cupcakes and wanted several of them! Then it was time for a nap and we went home so Rexford could sleep and Mommy could work on his cake.

A digger!


Trying to blow out the candle - he thought it was really funny and was laughing so hard

He loved these cupcakes and wanted more

I decided to make the cupcake cake I had seen on the Publix website instead of buying it. I bought the toys to go on top and then decorated it. I was really proud of myself, it turned out well! It wasn't perfect but I did my best and I think it may have been one of my most successful attempts at copying something I've seen. He liked it so that's all that matters!

The cupcake cake I made

After dinner some family came over for presents and cake. Rexford kept saying he wanted to open more presents and really got into it. I didn't think he would care that much or know what was going on but he really seemed to enjoy it. He loves his presents and has played with them constantly since he got them. He doesn't even seem to care too much about tv with all of the new stuff.

Lisa and Jason got Rexford this cool new guitar. He likes to sit next to Daddy and they both play their guitars. He keeps saying, "I'm in a rock band."

Shaelyn and Ian got Rexford a weed trimmer and he thinks it's so cool. He walks around trimming the grass in our house :)

Diggers from Grandma and Grandpa Ursic - they make cool sounds too! He loves these and loves to hear the construction noises. When it says, "Caterpillar" he says, "Uncle Mark works there." Thanks for the clothes too, I can't wait for him to wear the cute church outfit :)

Yeah! The fire truck he's been wanting for months. He also got a power drill and My First LeapPad from Papa and loves to play with them too.

Rexford with his fun train tents from Aly, Todd, Shannon, and Wayne - They set it up in the other room and when he saw it he ran in there so excited

Rexford kept saying that he wanted to sing Happy Birthday so we then did the cake. I thought he would get embarrassed and cry or something but he proudly sat there and enjoyed the attention. Then he blew out the candle. I wasn't sure if he would be able to but he did and it was so cute!

Rexford blowing out his candle

Thanks everyone for helping Rexford have a fun day, he enjoyed all the excitement and he definitely is enjoying all of his new toys!


Alyeic said...

Rexford was so cute on his birthday! I love watching him, he's too funny! Your cake was super cool, way to go! See you on Saturday:)

Dad said...

Kim your cake turned out great! congrats! rexford looks so cute and happy. What a great day with all those presents.

Aunt Pam said...

I can't believe that Rexford is already 2! He reminds me so much of you. Love to all!

Aunt Pam

Aunt Pam said...

I can't believe that Rexford is 2! He still reminds me so much of you. Love to all!

Aunt Pam

Eric said...

sorry we missed it