Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy July 4th

We had a busy fun-filled 4th of July. Rexford started the day by playing the drums. I found him on the bed drumming away and he didn't notice me for awhile.

Then we went to play at Papa's house while Daddy finished working on the lawn. When Brian got there we headed across the street to Aunt Shannon and Uncle Wayne's house for some swimming and grilling. Here's Rexford all excited to go!

After some swimming and lunch, Rexford enjoyed a yummy ice cream cone treat

If you notice in this swimming video that he is having trouble getting anywhere and he is keeping one of his legs totally straight. We have had to put cream and a bandage on his leg because he has ringworm. Ever since we started putting it on he acts like his leg is broken and barely moves it. He limps and is such an actor. So when he is swimming he won't move his leg. It's silly but makes us laugh.

More swimming

After all of that fun Rexford was tired so we headed home for a nap. In the evening we went to Grandma and Grandpa Ursic's house for more family fun. We decided to buy some fireworks instead of going to see them and it turned out to be lots of fun. The kids loved watching the fireworks and we even got to see the real big fireworks just by standing outside on the street corner. They were everywhere! Rexford preferred the small ones over the big ones so I guess it's good we didn't go see a show.

Brian holding Rexford and Ethan just in case they didn't like the first fireworks

But they loved it and so they watched out the window while Lisa, Jason, Eric, and Grandpa put on a show. They kept saying, "more more."
Rexford getting fingerprints on the windows while watching the firework display

1 comment:

Alyeic said...

So fun! I had a great time at the beach but it was hard to be away from Rexford for so long:)