Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Friday Fun

Rexford had been crying in the morning before preschool the second week so I told him if he tried really hard to be happy and have a good day then we would go to Sea World on his day off because he'd been wanting to go there. I was hoping it would be cloudy and not too hot and though it was still warm it was cloudy and not too terrible. The boys had so much fun and were so excited since we haven't been in months. I can't wait for all the fun Halloween stuff there soon!

Loving the aquarium
Austin and Rexford loving looking up at the fish
Rexford, Aly, and Matthew (who isn't too sure about being in a small plastic tube with two other people :) )
Matthew and Aly and Nemo :)
Me and my boys

In the underwater dolphin viewing area there was a dolphin that just hung out on the bottom by the glass for several minutes. The boys had lots of fun watching it!

Loving the tower ride
I was going to take Austin on this crab ride and he was fine until they tried to pull the black bar over him and then he wanted out. So I rode by myself and had fun :)
Playing in the sand and shade
Cooling and cleaning off!

1 comment:

Gina said...

I love Matthew's face on the tower ride!