Thursday, September 11, 2008


So Rexford has developed this obsession with gathering things into big piles. At least once a day (usually it's more than once) he will go around the house and gather all of the pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals and put them in one big pile on the floor or his bed. Then he sits on the pile or lays there or hides under stuff. He always wants Brian or me to sit in the pile with him. I'm not really sure why he likes to do this but he gets mad if you don't let him. Maybe he likes it because everything is soft. He is very into his blanky and he constantly rubs his mouth on the silky side so maybe he wants to have soft things all around him. Who knows... So we just let him and then clean it all up later. He is tall and so he doesn't have much room in his crib but he insists on having about 10 animals in there with him and 3 blankets. I guess it makes him feel all cozy so what's the harm :) These pictures were taken the other day but today we had a pile twice this size because he gathered a ton more stuffed animals!

Rexford enjoying his soft pile

This pile is small since there aren't many animals in it - they seem to get bigger each time he makes one!


Alyeic said...

Yeah and one day he had all of that inside his Thomas train! I definitely couldn't fit with all of that stuff in there:) So funny!

Angela said...

This is sooo funny! Grace does the same thing. I'm not quite sure why either:)