Thursday, April 15, 2010

18 months

Austin is now 18 months old! I can't believe he's getting so big. He says a few words like sun, home, hat, bee, hot, all done, mama, daddy, door, me and his favorite phrase "hold me." He points a lot and pulls me and he's very good at letting us know what he wants. He has mastered unlocking and opening doors, is doing very well with a spoon and working on the fork, loves bedtime and waves goodnight to Daddy with a big smile on his face, and puckers up his lips for the cutest kisses ever. He doesn't like it when Rexford gets in his face or takes stuff away and has gotten him back with a few bites. He can definitely throw a fit when he doesn't get what he wants. He wants to be a big boy and do what Rexford does. I took him for his appointment today and he is long and skinny, coming in at 33 inches (75%) and 25.75 lbs (50%). He's doing well and we love him!

1 comment:

Alyeic said...

He's getting so big! I love skinny Austin:) It's fun watching him grow and helps me see what I have to look forward to with Matthew!