Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sweating at Sea World

Rexford had been asking to go to Sea World so we went yesterday. I wanted to go before kids were out of school and before it was super busy. It was very very hot but the crowds weren't bad especially in the kid area. We got there early and I went on the new rollercoaster MANTA and it was so fun! They turn you so you are facing down like you're flying and there were lots of twists and upside down turns. I would have gone again but I figured I should let Rexford have some fun too. I think we'll stick with Aquatica for the next few months since it's so hot but I'm glad we got a visit in. I guess this is our last trip with Alyson for a while because today she was sent over to the hospital for high blood pressure after her appointment. They're keeping her and are going to induce. We're excited that baby Matthew will be here soon!!

Rexford was excited to see this horse so close since they're usually farther away

Rexford had a blast cooling off in the splash area

I'm sure it felt so good - I wanted to get in too :)

I didn't bring Austin's swim stuff but he was so excited about the water so Aly helped him play

So cute :)

Thanks Aly for getting all wet for Austin :)

1 comment:

Alyeic said...

Cute pictures! It really was fun, maybe it helped my blood pressure rise. I'm not excited to be in the hospital for a few days just trying to induce me but I'm excited that we will be leaving with Matthew:)