Thursday, July 15, 2010

Play Time

Here are some of the things the boys enjoy doing this summer.

Austin LOVES to crawl up onto Rexford's bed and pull the covers over him. He likes to read books there. I would move him from a crib to a bed but I'm not sure he would stay in it all night and so I'm not willing to risk that yet :)
They like to play hide-and-seek all over the house and the closet is a favorite place to hide. Here Austin is mad that Rexford is in there and he's trying to push him out and Rexford's being shy playing the recorder for me.
They love to paint and are so excited when I let them.
Austin is especially enjoying this new activity
They like to dress up and Austin loves playing with tools.
Whenever it's time for a battery change he always grabs his screwdriver and tries to open the toy.
We are having fun together and I am loving that the boys actually play together sometimes. It's fun to see them run around laughing and Austin copying his big brother and Rexford so happy that he's making Austin laugh.

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