Sunday, December 27, 2009

Austin Update

Austin seems to be older lately and can definitely express himself even though his words are few. He has learned how to throw a little fit when something is taken from him or when we try to put him in his carseat. He grunts and points at food and toys he wants. He enjoys eating food he can feed himself and doesn't care for baby food anymore. He has lots of energy and loves to play outside. He loves to climb and bounce and spin. He loves music and dances all the time. He is mostly a happy little boy and very sweet, giving kisses all the time. Here are some pictures from the other day when Rexford was napping and Austin and I were playing in his room.

He loves to rock in the rocking chair by himself

He even likes to stand on the moving rocking chair, making mommy very nervous

He tries to climb everything
He stands on his sit n spin toy :)

He loves hats

He is always giving kisses to real and fake animals and of course people

so sweet

climbing of course

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