Monday, August 25, 2008

Picture Time

I took Rexford to get his pictures taken this morning. At first I thought we would end up going home without any pictures at all. He kept running off the backdrop and would not smile. He kept whining and fussing and running for the door. The lady made him cry and he was not happy. We tried every toy they had but he wouldn't play with any of them on the background. Finally he started to play a little bit and I was able to get him to smile some. There actually turned out to be quite a few cute pictures. Here are three of them. I'll post more when I get them.


The Tait Family said...

That 3rd picture of Rexford is so cute! Pictures can be so stressful. I am glad you got some you were happy with.

Alyeic said...

I love these pictures...adorable!