Monday, April 14, 2008


Rexford really likes to look for lizards at Papa's house so my mom bought him a little cage. The first time Papa caught a lizard and then came over and got Rexford with the bike trailer. Rexford was so excited and he held the little cage on the bike ride. He kept picking it up and saying, "hi lizard." They eventually let it go which Rexford liked to watch too. Now every time we go to Papa's house he wants to look for lizards and tells us to "catch it." Aunt Aly caught one for him today but we didn't have the cage with us so we let it go but Rexford was very excited to see it up close. Rexford carrying his lizard around Shannon's backyard

Rexford checking on his lizard


Lisa_M said...

if rexford likes lizards maybe he can come and catch the one we have in our house! I have seen him twice, but can not catch him!

kimberly said...

How do you sleep? I am terrified of them. If one gets in I make Brian look until he catches it (which usually frustrates him). I'll send our lizard catching team over :)