Friday, January 6, 2012

Using Our New Sea World Passes!

We got Sea World passes for Christmas and the boys couldn't wait to use them. We waited until the holidays were over and last Friday I picked Rexford up from school an hour early and we headed to Sea World. It wasn't too crowded and we got to do everything we wanted to do. We went on all the rides and it was so fun now that Austin is old enough and wants to do everything. He was hesitant on one of the rides but tried it anyway and loved it. It was a great afternoon with my two favorite little guys!

Austin wanted to take a picture with Shamu (he has never wanted to do this before) but we couldn't find Shamu so he took a picture with the dolphin. So cute!

Rexford and Austin in the Manta aquarium

looking at sharks

Austin ready to go on the Shamu roller coaster

Rexford ready to go on the roller coaster

We convinced Austin to try the crab ride that goes up and down. He was nervous but he loved it and we went a second time!

They still had some Christmas stuff out and they wanted to take a picture with the sleigh

So excited to ride the new train ride!

Train ride again :)

Waiting for the Shamu show to start

My cute boys

They love the show

Steering the ship

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