Saturday, May 14, 2011

Christmas Crayons

Our crayon box had been bothering me for quite some time. It was full of broken crayons and almost no whole ones so I decided we needed new crayons. I bought a new box at the store and decided to recycle all the old broken ones. Rexford helped me peel the wrappers off the old ones and we broke them into small pieces. I was just going to use a muffin pan but then I remembered I had a couple of pans with Christmas shapes. We put the crayons into the pans and put them in the oven for a few minutes. Then we took them out and let them cool. A few minutes later, new crayons! The boys loved them and thought they were really cool. They love coloring with their new box of full-size crayons and their new homemade ones!

Our new Christmas crayons
Coloring with our crayons
New crayons!

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