Saturday, April 9, 2011

Strawberry Picking

On Friday we went with some friends to Dover (almost to Tampa) to pick strawberries. The boys loved it! They were so excited to show me their buckets with their strawberries. They picked for an hour and were really good while we were there. We picked 16 quarts of strawberries! We were hot and dirty and had strawberries on our clothes and hands but we had fun. We spent the next two days washing, cutting, freezing, and making jam(and homemade bread to go with it)! They have been talking about it for days and every time they eat strawberries, make a smoothie, or eat the jam, they are so proud and tell us how they picked them.

Austin picking strawberries
Rexford looking for strawberries
Rexford with his bucket
Me and my boys
We made lots of strawberry jam! Yummy!

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