Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lunch with Daddy

Rexford has been asking to see Daddy's school and classroom so today we went to have lunch with Brian. Rexford was so excited and kept asking if it was time to go all morning. He helped me pack their lunches and drinks and told me exactly what we needed. He had lots of fun but wanted to Daddy to come home with us instead of staying. He really misses him now that he's back to work. Here are some pictures from our day.

waiting to go
all ready
eating lunch with Daddy

Rexford was so happy
Austin enjoyed playing with the globe

so fascinating

such a fun toy :)

He also really liked this fun pen

1 comment:

Alyeic said...

Awww! That's so great you guys went to have lunch with Brian! I know Rexford just loved that!